This Mom's Journey to Parenting Success Will Inspire You

When you have a baby, there’s a lot that may surprise you. In this conversation Stephanie opens up about her transformation after seeking help and guidance for her new role as a parent. In this interview, Stephanie shares her challenges, frustrations, and the wins that she achieved through coaching and Gottman Bringing Baby Home classes at Little Elf Family Services.


Our family is now three and it's just a whole new world, new experiences, and there's not really like a manual or a guidebook. I mean, there's lots of resources out there, but it's just very overwhelming and can be complicated and confusing. And so we were looking for help and guidance, dealing with conflict resolution and just overall how to learn to navigate this new way of life that was our new family.

Overwhelmed and confused, she longed for support in navigating this new chapter of her life. Lack of sleep and uncertainties about parenting styles added to her frustrations.


Being a brand new parent, and this being our very first child, we hadn't really come up with a plan on how we wanted to parent, what type of parents we wanted to be, what that looked like, how to navigate dealing with lack of sleep.

But Stephanie’s life changed when she joined forces with Lara. What was it that made the difference? Learning effective communication skills with her partner, Aaron. They discovered healthier ways to express their feelings and resolve conflicts, reducing aggression and defensiveness. Their transformed communication style brought them closer as a couple and reduced stress for their son, Gianno.

One game-changer for Stephanie and her family was the introduction of weekly family meetings. These sessions have allowed them to check in emotionally, mentally, and address conflicts head-on. The impact of Lara's work was profound, and Stephanie describes it as life-changing. Their family dynamics underwent a huge transformation, from night to day, and Stephanie is incredibly grateful for the tools and resources they gained.

Now, armed with their newfound knowledge and awareness, Stephanie and Aaron are feeling a lot more confident as parents, equipped with a toolbox of skills to navigate any challenge that comes their way. Although perfection is not the goal, their positive outlook on the future gives them hope. They recognize that their growth as individuals and as parents will benefit their relationship, and we look forward to seeing their skills get passed down to their son as well.

Stephanie's heartfelt advice to anyone considering working with Lara or seeking parenting support is simple: Just do it! She emphasizes the tremendous value of having someone guide and teach you new skills and resources to strengthen your family's relationships, communication, and overall well-being.

As the interview concludes, Stephanie expresses her gratitude for Lara's unwavering support and acknowledges the tough moments they faced together. The journey has been challenging but transformative, and Stephanie is excited to continue growing as a family.

In the end, it's a heartwarming tale of triumph and the power of seeking help when needed. Stephanie's story is a reminder that with the right guidance, any family can overcome obstacles to create a more harmonious and loving environment for their children.

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